
B indicates that the ground side of the PWM faces inward

Spikes are motor controllers used in driving small motors in forward, reverse, or stop (brake). It uses a 20A circuit breaker. It can also be wired to compressors and solenoids and its indicator lights are different for motors and solenoids, as shown in the table below.

Spike User Manual

➠ Sample Code

Relay Class (C++)

#include "WPILib.h"

class RobotDemo : public SampleRobot {
    Relay spikeblue;
    Joystick stick;


    void Autonomous() {

    void OperatorControl() {
        while (IsOperatorControl()) {
            if(stick.GetRawButton(1)) {
            else {


➠ Explanation

Relay spikeblue;

Declare spike relay as name spikeblue. The declaration occurs between class RobotDemo : public SampleRobot and public : RobotDemo():


Instantiate the spike relay with the parameters [Digital Sidecar Port#], [direction of current [kForward, kBackward, or kBothDirections]] This is instantiated between public : RobotDemo(): and the braces ({ }). If it is not the last object initialized, it needs a comma like a list. If it is the last object initialized, no punctuation; no comma, no semicolon, no period, etc. or you will get an error.

void Autonomous() {

void OperatorControl() {
    while (IsOperatorControl()) {
        if(stick.GetRawButton(1)) {
        else {

The Joystick class has already been covered in a previous section of the manual. Controls current to whatever is on the other side of the spike(one side connected to the PDB). In autonomous, if there is something wired to the spike that needs to be turned on, it can be Set(Relay::kOn). To turn it off, use Set(Relay::kOff). Note that it will not shut off automatically and hence manual off command. In OperatorControl, the relay will often be inserted inside control statements to prevent loose relay on/off.Usually turning it on if button set in if condition is pressed otherwise relay off. Or vice versa if need be.