Victor 888

The victor is similar to the jaguar, but sacrifices computing power for a lighter weight and a smaller size.

When wiring, make sure that the PWM is plugged in so that the black wire is facing the inside (towards the fan). Pay special attention to the M+ M- V+ and V- on the sides of the Victor when wiring it to the motor and the power distribution board.

Victor 888 User Manual

Victor 888 - VEX Store

➠ Sample Code

Victor Class (C++)

#include "WPILib.h"

class RobotDemo : public SampleRobot {
    Victor victor;
    Joystick stick;

    void OperatorControl() {
        if(stick.GetRawButton(1)) {
        else if(stick.GetRawButton(2)) {
        else {


➠ Explanation

Victor victor;

Declare victor motor controller as victor; declared between public SampleRobot and public : RobotDemo


Initialize victor motor controller as port # 1 in Digital sidecar PWM Out. This is stated between public : RobotDemo and the braces({ }). If it is not the last object initialized, it needs a comma like a list. If it is the last object initialized, no punctuation; no comma, no semicolon, no period, etc. or you will get an error.

void OperatorControl() {
    if(stick.GetRawButton(1)) {
    else if(stick.GetRawButton(2)) {
    else {

Joystick class is gone into depth in an earlier section of this manual. Motor controllers are put into results of conditions because a free-spinning motor is a waste of power and there is no control over the motor (which is why it is a motor controller) The .Set method of the class accepts a float between -1.0 to 1.0 as a parameter which sets the speed of the motor to that float. 1.0 is full speed “forward”, -1.0 is full speed “backward.” The motor when initialized begins at .Set(0). The else victor.Set(0) is to stop the motor; unless the motor controller is set to 0, the motor remains at the last .Set() value.

NOTE: The 883, 884 and 885 models have been discontinued, but the manufacturer’s documentation can be found below.

Victor 883/885 User Manual

Victor 884 User Manual